Elements: water
flow : bathe : float : quench : swim : soak : cleanse : immerse
Watery relations and being . . .
There are so many ways to express connection and
to observe and describe our liquid, mutual belonging:
from studying cycles in the highest sleeve of atmosphere
to breathing dampness released by plants & all who respire
to infiltration into the depths of the earth while encountering
unseen flows.
By way of honoring water, stories rise from every engagement.
thousands of tiny hatchling turtles leave sandy nests to greet the sea
the warbler arrives from her long journey to twirl in a basin filled by rain
the trout bearing two thousand roe uses her fins to follow the channel bottom toward the last pool, flips sideways, settles and leaves her eggs
the lakeshore lapped by rising water disappears among rock sentinels
glacial remnants roll into the riverine, become polished stone spheres traveling mountain valleys
the tinaja on a sandstone outcrop caught the storm's memory in a bowl where fairy shrimp, plovers, and bats find sustenance
the rivers braid from headwaters, weaving in convocation toward the ocean
sometimes the greatest sea mammal remains beached along the waterline of its belonging, carrying marine songs
the heron stiltwalks into the estuary from a marshworld gathering salt
the many-branched belowground toes of mushrooms seek moisture among the pores of soil, meeting invisible friends
the hurricane changes the cliff-face as an ocean's tongue licks the rocky headland
dense fog rises from the misty muskeg, forming a sheath upon the boreal world
several days every year the prairie pothole tells moon-tales to the reborn wetland
water etches patterns upon desert sand, touching everything
the sinkhole stares skyward, holding the fossilized toward the living turquoise pool
a waterfall becomes a curtain carrying travelers and leaping fish
the young elk dashes through a mudpuddle in wild abandon, his mother browsing willow shoots nearby
seeds awake after generations below dry plateaulands to sprout into a rare rain
frost fingers the margins of the ice shelf winter leaves upon the river's edge
the dipper dives upstream into snowmelt waters, her feathers pleated against the cold alpine current
the monsoon heals jigsaw-cracked clay earth where underground colonies emerge to wave antennae and forelegs at the curtains of rain
pools reflect drifting clouds before droplets dance to mirror starlit kaleidoscopes
Human beings are more than sixty percent water, listening to liquid selves